Be the best you can be

Ever wonder how you can be the best person you can possibly be? Follow these simple steps to aid you in becoming who you want to be.
Part One of Three:

Knowing Yourself
Develop knowledge of yourself. First you must know what your best self looks like and what qualities that person has. It can be useful to take note of the best version of yourself and then compare it to the worst version of yourself. What are the qualities of both?
Keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings, to determine what you think and feel through the days and what patterns you can discern.
Figure out what you want from life. Write it down, and every day make a small step towards that goal. Rome wasn't built in a day. Don't stress about time. You have your entire life.
Ask yourself: What inspires me? What makes me want to leap out of bed in the morning?
Accept yourself. You are who you are and while you can always work on making improvements to the aspects of yourself you consider could be better, remember that you are already an amazing person. Acceptance of yourself as a whole package is a major part in having the strength to work on self-improvement rather than self-deprecation. It is only when you accept yourself that you can have a healthy perspective on what improvements are realistic and true to who you are.

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